Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Years Resolutions

I am aware that I am a little late to be doing a post on New Years Resolutions. It is OK because one of my resolutions is to not be so uptight. I need to relax and have more fun. Life really is short, so why not enjoy it?
I am so worried about what I should be doing, that I don't take time to relish the things I truly love. So that is my resolution. I should write a longer post, but that would be against my resolution now wouldn't it?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Who I am

I am a worrier by nature. I worry about things that most people wouldn't give a second thought. I am also a planner. My first thoughts in the morning, when I am still in a state of wonderful, sleepy haze, are of how am I to plan my day. I start of with the tasks I need to accomplish. I need to shower and find something to wear. I need to vacuum, a task I do daily. Making my bed is a must, it's the only way I have a clear mind throughout the day; otherwise its all I can think about. Then comes the the things I would like to accomplish such as working out, reading assigned chapters, volunteering, did I mention working out? I very rarely get to that.

I love spending my days sitting in my room, catching a black and white movie on tv, organizing my room (again) or reading a book. I am a simple girl living in a very crazy world. I don't need flowers, chocolates, and jewelery to be happy, but they are always appreciated. I love my family, my boyfriend and my small, close group of friends.

No matter how much I worry, eventually I realize that my life is actually pretty good. Everyday I strive to learn and grow as a person. That is what I hope to document here. My life and becoming a better person. Whether that is interesting or not, I don't really know but it is real. I get some credit for that, right?